Christ-Centered, Classical, Organic and Green!
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Christ-Centered, Classical, Organic and Green!
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School menus

Elementary School is truly an extraordinary place of learning. Our talented staff provides each student with a rigorous standards.

The homelike quality of our school contributes to a relaxed, focused experience for the child. Our indoor classroom activities are placed on open shelves for selection as interest and readiness inspires the child. Our outdoor environment offers a beautiful developed playground with manipulatives, tricycles, pets, and gardens.

Assessing the Student as a Whole Human Being

To become truly human means to become Christ-like, for Christ, being God Incarnate, is the ultimate human archetype. St. Gregory of Nissa teaches: “An image is only truly such insofar as it expresses the attributes of its archetype”. Teachers ought to remember that the ultimate 

Salvific Beauty in Classical Education

Even those who have not read the Bible surely know what happened at the Fall: the serpent lied to the woman, who then ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and lured her husband to do the same. The consequence 

No A Classical Education Isn’t Glad To Revive In the Degenerate Society of America

The schooling luminary David Hicks has written because the culture has been too far gone, that education is hopeless. That opinion smacks of despair. Is a one: he assumes that schooling is linked to Christianity. Writing for an audience invested from the Christian education movement, 

Assessing the Student as a Whole Human Being

To become truly human means to become Christ-like, for Christ, being God Incarnate, is the ultimate human archetype. St. Gregory of Nissa teaches: “An image is only truly such insofar as it expresses the attributes of its archetype”. Teachers ought to remember that the ultimate 

Salvific Beauty in Classical Education

Even those who have not read the Bible surely know what happened at the Fall: the serpent lied to the woman, who then ate the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and lured her husband to do the same. The consequence 

No A Classical Education Isn’t Glad To Revive In the Degenerate Society of America

The schooling luminary David Hicks has written because the culture has been too far gone, that education is hopeless. That opinion smacks of despair. Is a one: he assumes that schooling is linked to Christianity. Writing for an audience invested from the Christian education movement, 

Proverbs 22:6 teaches Paideia Classical News
"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."